LGBTQIA Vol. 20 No 4 | Summer 2018 ISSUE CONTENTS College From the President Dr Vijay Roach College From the CEO Alana Killen College -> Leaders in Focus Leaders in Focus: Dr Fiona Brownfoot Dr Kirsten Connan Feature Guest editorial Prof Steve Robson Feature Fertility options for gender and sexually diverse people Dr Bronwyn Devine Feature Rainbow IVF Dr Sarah van der Wal Feature Gender dysphoria Dr Simone Buzwell Feature Gender dysphoria: a paediatric perspective Dr Noel Friesen Feature Fertility preservation in the transgender child and adolescent Dr Tamara Hunter Feature Intersex: variations in sex characteristics Dr Jennifer Beale Feature What do intersex people need from doctors? Morgan Carpenter Feature Hormonal treatment of the transgender adult Dr Rosemary Jones Feature Surgery for transgender individuals Dr Charlotte Elder Feature LGBTQIA gynaecological screening Dr Kimberley Ivory Feature Takatapui Dr Elizabeth Kerekere Feature Tekwabi Giz National LGBTI Health Alliance Rebecca Johnson Feature Glass closets and the hidden curriculum of medical school Amy Coopes Feature Australia’s queer history Robert French Women's Health Reproductive carrier screening Prof Graeme Suthers Women's Health Renewal of the National Cervical Screening Program Dr Louise Farrell Women's Health The Pacific Island Cervical Cancer Screening Initiative Dr Nicola Fitzgerald Women's Health HPV testing, cervical screening and male circumcision Prof Brian Morris AM Women's Health Chronic vaginal discharge Dr Jennifer Bradford Women's Health Ondansetron use in the first trimester and risk of fetal malformations Dr Lynelle Taylor Women's Health -> Case Report Case report: A bloody choriocarcinoma Dr Myriam Girgis Women's Health -> Legal Update Subpoenaed medical records: what should practitioners do? Michael Gorton AM Women's Health -> Q&A Q&a: What is the role of a menstrual cup? Dr Astrid Budden Women's Health -> ANZJOG From the ANZJOG editor’s desk Prof Caroline de Costa Women's Health -> Journal Club Journal Club: Contraceptive use and ovarian cancer Dr Brett Daniels Women's Health -> Journal Club Journal Club: Labour versus expectant management of low-risk women: the ARRIVE trial Dr Brett Daniels DOWNLOAD ISSUE HomeLatest IssueArchiveSearch Archive by ContributorSearch Archive by KeywordSubscribeAdvertiseContribute to O&G MagazineAbout O&G MagazineContact Us