Cradle to College Vol. 19 No 3 | Spring 2017 ISSUE CONTENTS College From the President Prof Steve Robson College From the CEO Alana Killen Feature Editorial Dr Bernadette White Feature Precocious puberty Dr Fran Mouat Feature Transgender healthcare Dr Charlotte Elder Feature Congenital anomalies of the female genital tract Dr Asha Short Feature Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescents Dr Rebecca Wright Feature Contraception in adolescents Dr Jilly Lloyd Feature Understanding the barriers: managing adolescent pregnancy Kirsty Lehmann Feature Adolescent sexual health and STIs Dr Jeannie Oliphant Feature Assessment of sexual abuse in adolescents Dr Natasha-ann Laidler Feature Gynaecological malignancies Dr Amy Jamieson Feature Dysmenorrhoea in adolescents Dr Saman Moeed Feature Ovarian complications in adolescents Dr Sukhwinder Sahota Feature The adolescent vulva: what’s ‘normal’? Dr Alexandra McRae Feature Management of ambiguous genitalia Dr Angela Dunford Feature Primary amenorrhoea Dr Vicki Nisenblat Women's Health -> Q&A Q&a: routine pathology and imaging requested in early pregnancy Prof Michael Permezel Women's Health The Professional Services Review: what you need to know Prof Julie Quinlivan Women's Health -> Case Report Hysterectomy with Müllerian duct anomaly Dr Melissa Lin Women's Health Obstetric fistula: a public health issue Madeline King Women's Health -> Legal Update The leg-up Dr Nicole Woodrow Women's Health -> Journal Club Journal Club: Radio frequency ablation for fibroids Dr Brett Daniels Women's Health -> Journal Club Journal Club: Treatment of cholestasis of pregnancy Dr Brett Daniels Women's Health -> ANZJOG From the editor’s desk Prof Caroline de Costa Women's Health Doctors in denial: a book review Dr Graeme Dennerstein Letters Hands off the breech Dr Ian Stewart Letters Hands off the breech Max W Jotkowitz Letters Winter issue 2017 Dr Phil Watters College Educating O&Gs in Laos: RANZCOG helps Prof Donald Marsden College 2017 AOFOG Young Gynaecologists Program Dr Skanda Jayaratnam College Volunteer diaries: Ethiopia Dr Geoff Kelsey College College Statements update: July 2017 Prof Yee Leung College Queen’s Birthday Honours RANZCOG DOWNLOAD ISSUE HomeLatest IssueArchiveSearch Archive by ContributorSearch Archive by KeywordSubscribeAdvertiseContribute to O&G MagazineAbout O&G MagazineContact Us