As RANZCOG continues to lead research and develop clinical guidance in women’s health, early pregnancy remains a key focus area—aligning with the theme of this issue of O&G Magazine.
A number of RANZCOG clinical guidance statements and guidelines support best practice in early pregnancy care, including:
- Routine antenatal assessment in the absence of pregnancy complications (C-Obs 3b)
- Screening and diagnosis of fetal structural anomalies and chromosome conditions (C-Obs 35)
- Early pregnancy screening and prevention of preterm preeclampsia and related complications (C-Obs 61)
- Pre-pregnancy and pregnancy-related vaccinations (C-Obs 44)
Looking ahead to 2025
RANZCOG Research and Policy is excited to further expand RANZCOG early pregnancy resources, with the anticipated publication of the miscarriage, Recurrent Miscarriage and Ectopic Pregnancy Clinical Guideline (C-Gyn 38). Once published, this new guideline will offer advice to registered health professionals providing care for women with suspected or confirmed early pregnancy loss, including miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage and tubal or non-tubal ectopic pregnancy.
With 2025 shaping up to be a busy year for Research and Policy, additional work currently underway, or expected to commence in 2025, includes:
- Anticipated launch of the updated Australian Living Evidence Guideline: Endometriosis (C-Gyn 5)
- Update and development of two existing RANZCOG clinical guidance documents – Birth after Caesarean (C-Obs 38) and Vasa Praevia (C-Obs 47)
- Development of a new evidence-based RANZCOG guideline on Menopause (including genitourinary syndrome and premature ovarian syndrome)
- Development of a new and Robotic Surgery in Gynaecology guideline (including urogynaecology and gynae-oncology)
Research and Policy and the RANZCOG Women’s Health Committee would like to thank all Guideline Development Group Chairs and members for their valued time and expertise which makes this important work possible.
Get involved in 2025
Opportunities to participate in guideline development and provide feedback on draft documents are advertised in RANZCOG’s publication Connect so please keep an eye out in 2025. To access our clinical guidance documents, please visit our Statements and Guidelines Directory.
Contact us
To connect with RANZCOG Research and Policy, or to provide feedback about guidelines or Patient Information Pamphlets, please contact: [email protected]
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