Vol. 24 No 1 | Autumn 2022
From the CEO
Vase Jovanoska
Chief Executive Officer, RANZCOG

This article is 3 years old and may no longer reflect current clinical practice.

It is a pleasure to welcome everyone to the first issue of O&G Magazine for 2022.

I would firstly like to extend my appreciation and acknowledgment to our members and trainees who have continued to work in a healthcare system that is under immense pressure with the current covid outbreak. Your commitment to our community does not go unnoticed and the College is here to continue to provide you with the support that you need.

We continue to work with the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) and New Zealand Aotearoa Ministry of Health, in advocating vaccination for pregnant women. We also welcomed the temporary extension of telehealth in Australia, and we are advocating for this support to be made permanent.

In 2022, we look forward to launching our 2022–2024 Strategic Plan which will set the College’s focus and objectives for the next three years. At the time of writing this article, the draft plan is out for wide consultation and feedback from our RANZCOG members, trainees, staff, and external stakeholders. This follows a very successful consultation period with the College’s newly formed 12th RANZCOG Board and Council who spent much time workshopping and then reviewing the draft plan.

We recently welcomed our new trainees in Aotearoa New Zealand and in Australia who have recently taken part in their orientation sessions; we wish them every success with their training. The College is here to support our trainees and we encourage you to contact us with any queries you may have.

We are currently working on the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) Accreditation Progress Report with multiple stakeholders and committees across the College. The report is due in March. This report is part of our yearly reporting to regulatory bodies the AMC and MCNZ before we have our full reaccreditation submission the following year.

In 2022, the College will continue to run our exams and try to accommodate individual trainees’ requirements as much as possible while we continue to navigate new challenges presented by the recent covid outbreak. At the same time, our exams and IT team are working on improving our systems and processes and creating efficiencies. We encourage and appreciate all your feedback on service delivery and look forward to continuing to engage with you this year.

The RANZCOG Symposium 2022: New Perspectives, took place from 28 February to 1 March. It was delivered in a hybrid model and showcased many key informative and topical sessions including wellbeing, pelvic pain and endometriosis, Indigenous Australian and Māori health, and obstetric trauma, to name a few. Delegates heard from an impressive line-up of experts in O&G, and saw excellent free communication and ePoster presentations.

The Symposium coincided with the Fellowship ceremony, and the long-anticipated official opening of 1 Bowen Crescent, Melbourne. Over the last two years we haven’t had the opportunity to hold these special ceremonies and it will be great to be able to hold them this year, to celebrate your achievements. Our Diplomates will be presented at their own special ceremony in October.

I would like to congratulate all our new Fellows and Diplomates and wish them a successful career in O&G. The opening of 1 Bowen Crescent was marked with a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony, prior to the unveiling of the official new name of the building: Djeembana. We look forward to welcoming you to your new College home, taking you on a tour and enjoying connecting with each other.

I would like to thank the 12th Council and all 12th Council Committee members for their hard work and dedication to the College; we are grateful for your contribution, your time and commitment. Finally, I would like to acknowledge our College Board and RANZCOG President Dr Ben Bopp, for their exemplary leadership and support.

The start of 2022 may not have been what we expected, but we will get through it, and have hope for a bright and promising year.


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