The Ovary
Vol. 22 No 1 | Autumn 2020
From the President
Dr Vijay Roach

This article is 5 years old and may no longer reflect current clinical practice.

This issue of O&G Magazine addresses a critical gland, the ovary. The ovary provides oocytes for reproduction and critical hormones for female health. An understanding of the basic physiology and endocrinology of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis underpins all obstetric and gynaecological assessment, diagnosis and management, in both physiological and pathological conditions.

Ovarian cancer remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and, while salpingectomy is a method of risk reduction and surgical management that has improved survival rates, late diagnosis remains the norm and an effective screening tool remains elusive.

Ovarian and egg freezing are new frontiers for fertility preservation, opening up opportunities for women and creating choice. We live in an era of rapidly emerging technologies and ethical and legal frameworks are often inadequately developed and then struggle to keep up.

The College coat of arms also recognises the importance of older women and management of the menopause as the ovary ages. This complex endocrinological phase often coincides with a period of significant social transition. Management of the menopause is a large and important responsibility for our members and one that deserves more attention, both in training, and in practice.

The College looks ahead to 2020 with much excitement. College House has been sold and, while we reflect on a special place with special memories, we look forward to finding our new home and taking RANZCOG into its next phase. The training year in Australia has just begun (December in New Zealand) and we wish all trainees a stimulating and successful year ahead. We hope that you enjoy your learning and, rather than trying to achieve the impossible concept of work-life balance, you make your lifelong ambition work-life integration. It cannot be overemphasised that self-care is paramount. Look out for each other and always be confident that the College, your College, cares about you and is there to support you.

The RANZCOG Board met for the first time in 2020 on 31 January to discuss the College strategy for the year ahead. We’ll be travelling to Darwin for the Regional Fellow’s Meeting in April, emphasising our genuine commitment to advancing training and clinical services to better serve women in rural and remote Australia. We’re a bi-national College, so we also look forward to joining our New Zealand colleagues in Wellington for their ASM in June. What’s the weather like in Wellington in June, Dr Tait? Vase and I will be travelling around Australia and New Zealand and we’re keen to meet with you in person or hear from you via email.

We have many ambitions and lofty goals for the year ahead. Alongside that, we remain committed to our responsibility of training our registrars, supporting our members with CPD and improving the standard of women’s health in Australia and New Zealand, the Pacific and throughout the world. This will be actioned through education and advocacy. RANZCOG is the leading institution in women’s health in our region. What we do, who we are and what we stand for, matters. You, our members, belong to a family that is highly regarded, respected and valued. Your participation in the College that trained you, and now includes you as a valued member, is what makes us strong and effective. Whatever your ideas, your reflections, the bricks and the bouquets – send them all. It’s your College and we want your voice to be heard.

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