Sepsis Redefined
Vol. 21 No 4 | Summer 2019
From the CEO
Vase Jovanoska
Chief Executive Officer, RANZCOG

This article is 6 years old and may no longer reflect current clinical practice.

For this last issue of O&G Magazine for 2019, we cover the topic of sepsis, a major health problem and the subject of important research and advocacy efforts around the globe. This issue recognises how high-quality data analysis, evaluation and evidence can support the activities of our members and trainees and, most importantly, improve outcomes for patients.

Accreditation Comprehensive Report

In September, the College submitted its formal Accreditation Comprehensive Report to the Australian Medical Council (AMC). The Report provides an overview of the College’s current training program and has provided us with the opportunity to reflect on what we do well, as well as assess those areas for improvement and development.

The AMC will review the various accreditation standards and conditions that we as a College must adhere to, in line with increasing regulatory reporting and compliance requirements with various regulatory bodies, including the AMC and Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).

The College should receive feedback on our report in February 2020. The outcomes of the assessment by the AMC will assist us in continuing to deliver high-quality education and training, with a contemporary and well-structured approach to governance, collaborative engagement between all members, trainees and professional staff and efficient College operations, in line with our vision and mission.

I would like to acknowledge representative trainees, Dr Patricia Vosdoganes and Dr Rebecca Mackenzie-Proctor, for their collective efforts and independent submission, in addition to College staff who worked on this important submission.

Trainee support

RANZCOG has an obligation to provide our trainees with the highest standard of training and services. The Curriculum Review project that is currently underway will assess the current RANZCOG training programs, curriculums, assessments and regulations to ensure that they remain fit-for-purpose and result in graduate outcomes that will provide the appropriate skills, knowledge and attributes for O&G specialists into the future.

Well-being is an important issue for everyone. The College will continue to advocate for system change in areas that affect trainee well-being. It remains a priority for the College to have the appropriate support structures in place for trainees and members so they can get help and advice when they need it. The College is currently working to enhance our existing support services for trainees and training supervisors.


I am very excited about the Organisation Values Working Group (OVWG), who will commence work in November 2019. OVWG will be tasked with the important job of identifying RANZCOG’s overarching organisational values, that is, a set of values that inspire and relate to all members, trainees and staff at RANZCOG.

We share, and are invested in, the same mission and vision for our College. We work together every day and it seems fitting that a set of shared values should underpin our work and provide us the opportunity to be driven by, and exhibit, the same standards and values in collaboration with each other.


For everyone at the College, 2019 has been an eventful year. My first ten months as CEO of RANZCOG have been filled with learning and meeting so many Fellows, trainees and stakeholders of the College who all work tirelessly towards the same goal: excellence in women’s health.

As we move towards 2020 at great speed, I would like to acknowledge the hard work, leadership and continued support of the RANZCOG Board led by President Dr Vijay Roach; the dedication and commitment of the 11th RANZCOG Council and the College’s many committees.

I would also like to extend my thanks to College staff around Australia and New Zealand for the work and support they provide to our members and trainees.

I hope the festive season is one of relaxation and recharging, but I acknowledge that many of our members and trainees will be sacrificing time with their loved ones to work across this busy holiday season, with Christmas and New Year’s babies yet to arrive.

My hope for RANZCOG in 2020 is that more of our members and trainees engage with the College; to see the opportunity to be part of an organisation that is dedicated to the mission of excellence and advancement of women’s health.

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