Sepsis Redefined
Vol. 21 No 4 | Summer 2019
College Statements update July 2019
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

This article is 6 years old and may no longer reflect current clinical practice.

Revised College Statements

The following statements were approved by RANZCOG Council and Board in July 2019:

Use of Rh Isoimmunisation (C-Obs 6)

Revisions include:
Updated references

Categorisation of urgency for caesarean section (C-Obs 14)

Revisions include:
Updated references
Inclusion of new section 3.2 relating to clinical capability framework and hospital infrastructure
Inclusion of new section 3.3 providing guidance on intrauterine resuscitation while waiting for theatre
Inclusion of new section on communication

Maternal Group B Streptococcus in pregnancy: screening and management (C-Obs 19)

Revisions include:
Updated references
Removal of paragraph that discussed vaginal seeding at elective LUSCS
Inclusion of new section 5.7 relating to water birth and water immersion, aligned to College statement C-Obs 24
Inclusion of new section 5.8 relating to high-risk women declining intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis
Inclusion of new section 5.9 relating to women with previous carriage of GBS.

Prenatal screening for fetal genetic and structural conditions (C-Obs 35)

Revisions include:
Updated references
Inclusion of carrier screening counselling

Pre-pregnancy and pregnancy related vaccinations (C-Obs 44)

Revisions include:
Updated references
New recommendation on healthcare worker vaccination.

Tamoxifen and the endometrium (C-Gyn 12)

This statement has undergone a rewrite due to the new evidence and number of suggested changes.

Guidelines for performing gynaecological endoscopic procedures (C-Trg 2)

Revisions include:
Additional sentence relating to credentialing due to correspondence and feedback from Fellows

Consent and provision of information NZ (C-Gen2B)

Revisions include:
Updated references

Clinical Handover (WPI 19)

Greater emphasis on the New Zealand setting

A full list of College statements can be viewed at

RANZCOG Patient Information

There are 39 RANZCOG patient information pamphlets, including the Pregnancy and Childbirth pack of 18 pamphlets, now available. All of these products can be viewed and ordered from:

The following titles were approved for publication and are now available:
Genetic Carrier Screening
Gestational Diabetes

Prof Yee Leung
RANZCOG Women’s Health Committee

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