Pelvic Pain
Vol. 21 No 2 | Winter 2019
College Statements update March 2019
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

This article is 6 years old and may no longer reflect current clinical practice.

Revised College Statements

The following statements were approved by RANZCOG Council and Board in March 2019:

Use of prostaglandins for induction of labour (C-Obs 22)

Revisions include:
Updated references

Birth after previous Caesarean Section (C-Obs 38)

Revisions include:
Updated references
Inter-delivery interval was changed to inter-pregnancy interval (delivery to conception) and the RCOG period of 12 months applied.
It was agreed that the advice on oral intake should be in line with recommendations on fluids and oral intake in the College’s Routine Intrapartum Care (C-Obs 31) statement.
Reference to ‘Off-label’ drug use (5.10.3 on page 14) was changed to indicate the specific use of prostaglandins for induction of labour is against manufacturer’s advice
A table outlining risks of uterine rupture associated with different methods of induction and success rates was added.
Recommendation 14 regarding the use of prostaglandins for IOL was softened.

Alcohol in Pregnancy (C-Obs 54)

For retirement
Rationale: this statement has been amalgamated with the statement Substance use in pregnancy (C-Obs 55).

Genetic Carrier Screening (C-Obs 63) – new

This statement was developed to address the gap in guidance to health professionals regarding advice on the counselling of women and couples prior to, and in the early stages of, pregnancy in relation to genetic carrier screening in Australia and New Zealand. This document aims to assist clinicians to provide women and couples with information regarding their chance of having a child with an inherited genetic condition, so that all carriers are given the option of genetic counselling to discuss the implications of their results with an expert.

Prevention of Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection (C-Obs 64) – new

As CMV is the most common congenital infection, the WHC felt it is appropriate that a statement should be developed to raise awareness among College Fellows. The committee discussed a stand-alone statement on CMV as opposed to a general statement on infections in pregnancy. Members felt that generally, people look up a statement by a specific name or procedure and due to the relatively high incidence of CMV a separate statement is preferred.

Termination of Pregnancy (C-Gyn 17)

Revisions include:
Title change to Abortion
Aligned to new legislation
Updated references

Guidelines for HPV Vaccine (C-Gyn18)

Revisions include:
New evidence re: rates of decline since introduction of vaccine
Updated references

The use of mifepristone for medical abortion (C-Gyn 21)

Revisions include:
New paragraph regarding oral contraceptives (specifically Diane-35) and risk of VTE in light of correspondence to the College and recent publicity surrounding the daughter of MP Julian Hill
Updated references

Vaginal Rejuvenation and cosmetic vaginal procedures (C-Gyn 24)

Revisions include:
Updated references

Combined Hormonal Contraceptives (C-Gyn 28)

Revisions include:
Updated references

Interview and selection of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists for visiting medical officers, salaried medical officers and academic staff in Australia (WPI 4)

For Retirement
Rationale: It was felt that most hospitals would have their own policies and procedures around recruitment of staff.

The personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) (WPI 22)

For Retirement
Rationale: This statement is very out-of-date due to many new developments in this area, particularly the introduction of My Health Record.

A full list of College statements can be viewed at

RANZCOG Patient Information

There are 37 RANZCOG Patient Information Pamphlets, including the Pregnancy and Childbirth pack of 18 pamphlets, now available. All of these products can be viewed and ordered at
The following titles were approved for publication and are now available:
Pregnancy Loss
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Stress Urinary Incontinence

Prof Yee Leung
RANZCOG Women’s Health Committee

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