Mind Matters
Vol. 20 No 3 | Spring 2018
College Statements Update: July 2018
Prof Yee Leung

This article is 7 years old and may no longer reflect current clinical practice.

Revised College Statements

The following revised statements were approved by RANZCOG Council and Board in July 2018:

Timing of elective caesarean section at term (C-Obs 23)

1. Updated references

Progesterone support of the luteal phase and in the first trimester (C-Obs 29a)

1. Updated references

Maternal suitability for models of care and indications for referral within and between models of care (C-Obs 30)

1. Updated references
2. Appendices consisting of consultation and referral guidelines changed to a link rather than full document

Subclinical hypothyroidism and hypothyroidism in pregnancy (C-Obs 46)

1. Change of title: formerly Testing for hypothyroidism during pregnancy
2. Updated references
3. Clear recommendations and definitions regarding the treatment of overt hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism

Perinatal anxiety and depression (C-Obs 48)

1. Updated references and recommendations
2. Aligned with Australian National Guideline Mental Health in the Perinatal Period (2017)
3. All of the recommendations relevant to maternity care were taken (with permission) from the National Guideline and placed in this statement

Substance use in pregnancy (C-Obs 55)

1. Updated references

Diethylstilboestrol (DES) exposure in utero (C-Obs 56)

1. Early review and update to align with the new National Cervical Screening Program
2. Updated references

Prenatal screening and diagnostic testing for fetal chromosomal and genetic conditions (C-Obs 59)

Joint RANZCOG/HGSA statement rewritten by working group
1. Change of title: formerly Prenatal screening and diagnosis of chromosomal and genetic conditions in the fetus in pregnancy

Prenatal assessment of fetal structural conditions (C-Obs 60)

1. Amalgamation of paragraph (4.3) from the College statement Fetal Morphology (C-Obs 57), so C-Obs 57 can be retired

Investigation of intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding (C-Gyn 6)

1. Updated references

Fibroids in Infertility (C-Gyn 27)

1. Updated references

Cultural Competence (WPI 20)

1. Updated references
2. Link to CLIMATE elearning resources

Retired College Statement

Fetal Morphology (C-Obs 57)

Rationale: The Women’s Health Committee has highlighted that the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM) provides guidance on this topic that is accessible via their website. It was their recommendation that only one paragraph (4.3) in this statement should be retained and added to the College statement Prenatal assessment of fetal structural conditions (C-Obs 60) as a recommendation. Additional feedback was requested from COGU regarding this statement. The correspondence received was in line with the discussions and recommendations made by the committee.

A full list of College Statements can be viewed on the RANZCOG Guidance app or on the website at: www.ranzcog.edu.au/Statements-Guidelines.

RANZCOG Patient Information

There are 33 RANZCOG Patient Information Pamphlets, including the new Pregnancy and Childbirth pack of 18 pamphlets, now available. All of these products can be viewed and ordered at: www.ranzcog.edu.au/Womens-Health/Patient-Information-Guides/Patient-Information-Pamphlets.

The following new title was approved for publication and is now available:
Endometrial Ablation

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