A 30-year-old woman presented to the gynaecology clinic with a painful lump in the right-hand side of a five-year-old caesarean section scar. She had first noticed this lump 18 months before, when at the gym, and since then she had felt that it had grown slightly in size and become increasingly painful. She described this pain as an ache that was worse at the time of her period. She had regular periods and at the time of the clinic was on day 23 of her cycle. She had had two previous pregnancies: one normal delivery seven years ago and one elective caesarean section five years ago for a breech presentation. She had no other gynaecological history, had had regular smears, all of which were normal. She had no relevant medical or surgical history, no relevant family history. She was a non-smoker and drank alcohol socially.
On examination, her abdomen appeared normal with a Pfannensteil scar noted. There was no obvious mass seen. On palpation her abdomen was soft and non-tender. There was a lumpy mass felt under the right lateral edge of the scar, which was irregular in nature, soft, non-tender and immobile. An MRI scan showed a 3×2.5x2cm mass anterior to the right rectus muscle indicative of scar tissue or inflammatory in nature. A biopsy was suggested to confirm the nature of the mass.
The patient was taken to theatre to perform an excision of the lump. The lump removed was 4x5cm diameter (see Figures 1–2) and, although tethered to the underlying muscle, there was no continuity with the abdominal cavity. The lump appeared to be mainly fatty tissue on initial inspection, although it was noticed that several small bluish/black dots appeared on the lump. The whole lump was excised with some surrounding fatty tissue and sent for histology. There were no postoperative complications and the patient returned home the same day. The histology report showed that the lump was benign in nature and contained endometriosis.

Figures 1–2. Excising the caesarean section scar lump.
Endometriosis is the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus and can be seen in intra- and extra-abdominal locations. Extra-pelvic endometriosis is rare, but there are reports of endometriosis in almost all locations, including kidneys, lungs and the central nervous system.1 Previous reports of endometriosis in caesarean section scars have reported the incidence as between 0.03 and 0.4 per cent.2 A study by Akbulut et al in 2010 reported the incidence as 0.1 per cent of women who undergo a caesarean section – a rare complication of this surgery. These lumps are often misdiagnosed when they first present, as a lipoma, abscess, suture granuloma, cyst or haematoma.
The patient in the above case report presented with the typical symptoms seen in cases of scar endometriosis: a palpable mass and cyclical pain. However, it should be noted that in several studies more than half of the presentations have been non-cyclical pain.
The development of this mass of ectopic endometrial tissue in the surgical scar is most likely explained by dissemination of the endometrium or from pre-existing intraperitoneal endometriosis.3 In this patient’s case there was no known history of endometriosis so it is likely that this was caused by seeding of endometrial tissue during the caesarean section. Contamination of the wound with endometrial tissue is likely to occur often and is sometimes inevitable4, but the cases such as the one above are rare. This suggests that there is some predisposition to the development of scar endometriosis. It is worth noting the length of time (three-and-a-half years) before symptoms became apparent. This is likely because the endometrial tissue must grow to a size large enough to cause symptoms. Other case reports have published intervals of between six months to 20 years.5
Although a rare event, malignant transformation of abdominal wall endometriosis is a possibility.6 A case study by Stevens et al suggested that endometriosis in a caesarean scar can transform into metastatic adenocarcinoma.7 Therefore, wide excision with at least 1cm margin is considered the treatment of choice, even for recurrent lesions. The MRI scan and subsequent measurements of the lesion excised show that this was achieved in our patient.
Endometriosis should be considered as a diagnosis in a patient presenting with a painful lump in an abdominal scar, particularly with a history of a caesarean section, even many years after the original surgery. Careful closure and avoidance of contamination (changing gloves, needles before closure) following caesarean section may prevent scar endometriosis.
- Drukala Z, Ciborowska-Zielińska B, Kubrak J, Rodgowska D. Outcome of a multimodal therapy of a recurrent adenocarcinoma arising from Caesarean section scar endometriosis-A case report. Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy. Volume 15, Issue 3, May–June 2010, Pages 75-77.
- Nominato S N, Prates L F, Lauar I, Morais J, Maia L, Geber S. Caesarean Section greatly increases the risk of scar endometriosis. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 152 (2010) 83-85.
- Zhao X, Lang J, Leng J, Sun D, Zhu L. Abdominal Wall Endometriomas. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2005) 90, 218-222.
- Zhao X, Lang J, Leng J, Sun D, Zhu L. Abdominal Wall Endometriomas. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (2005) 90, 218-222.
- Roger KE, Shatney CH, Hodge K, McClenathan JH. Surgical scar endometrioma. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1993;177:243-6.
- Drukala Z, Ciborowska-Zielińska B, Kubrak J, Rodgowska D. Outcome of a multimodal therapy of a recurrent adenocarcinoma arising from Caesarean section scar endometriosis-A case report. Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy. Volume 15, Issue 3, May–June 2010, Pages 75-77.
- Stevens EE, Pradhan TS, Chak Y, Lee YC. Malignant transformation of endometriosis in a cesarean section abdominal wall scar: a case report. J Reprod Med. 2013 May-Jun;58(5-6): 264-6.
I have had and it is still on going… endometriosis in my c section. I have had two surgeries which just keep spreading it. Not only that but it had now gone to my belly button as I had a tubal ligation at the same time. They have already cut it out of my belly button once and it has returned. Mine have holes, both have a pus that come out. I’m not feeling hopeful that it can be fixed. I also believe that he has popped it internally around my clips for the tubal ligation my insides have not felt the same since the first op over 12 months ago. If you are interested in my or info or photos please feel free to contact me. I feel like I am the only one who has been through this, like this. It’s spreads, it’s sore. Tonight it hurts to go from sitting to standing, having a shower etc because the hole is quite open.
ive just had my endo removed from my c section scar that id had 5yrs ago. It was removed april 8th 2019 while i was undergoing a 3rd csection. Im now almost 10weeks post-op and the scar is starting to hurt again and i can still feel scar tissue. Im trying to be positive that it stays away. My gyno has suggested i go on the depo shot to either keep it away or slow the rate? I really dont want the extreme pain again 😭😭 Also im breastfeeding so no period to confirm if its back so soon.
I have also a endometriosis after I gave birth with my second child in cesarian session. My first child is also via cesarian. My abdominal waa so painful after my menstrual period. I used mefenamic to relief the pain. It was so disturbing and very painful.
I have had severe pain on my c section for years and it’s getting worse and worse to the point I’ve had give up work , I’ve been checked for everything apart from scar tissue, the only test I haven’t had is the laprocopy, but have been told this must be the issue . I’ve had 3 c sections first one emergency c section in 1995 then second one planed c section in 1998 due to baby being so big , then last one in 2005 that was also planned because I was told it had to be c section after I’ve already had 2 ,
I have lost my quality of life , doing hardly anything anymore , my husband has to do most things around the house due to my constant pain .
My weight is continuously going up because I can’t do much anymore .
I now suffer with mental health due to all this , I would literally give a arm to get my life back .
I’m lost in circle of pain and suffering.
I feel totally useless as a mum and wife . I am only 44 years old.